

Contact: Steve Culliford, Democratic Services

Telephone: 07895 213735


Date: 11 April 2024



A meeting of the



will be held on Friday, 19 April 2024 at 10.30 am

Meeting Room 1, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE


To watch this virtual meeting, follow this link to the council’s YouTube channel


Cabinet Members:



Bethia Thomas (Chair)

Neil Fawcett

Mark Coleman (Vice-Chair)

Andy Foulsham

Sue Caul

Diana Lugova

Andy Crawford

Helen Pighills

Lucy Edwards




Alternative formats of this publication are available on request.  These include large print, Braille, audio, email and easy read. For this or any other special requirements (such as access facilities) please contact the officer named on this agenda.  Please give as much notice as possible before the meeting.


Vivien Williams,

Head of Legal and Democratic (Interim)

















Open to the Public including the Press



1.   Chair's announcements



To receive any announcements from the chair. 




2.   Apologies for absence



To record apologies for absence. 




3.   Minutes

(Pages 6 - 18)


To adopt and sign as correct records the minutes of the Cabinet meetings held on 16 February and 8 March 2024. 




4.   Declarations of interests



To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, other registrable interests and non-registrable interests or any conflicts of interest in respect of items on the agenda for this meeting.




5.   Urgent business



To receive notification of any matters which the chair determines should be considered as urgent business and the special circumstances which have made the matters urgent.




6.   Public participation



To receive any questions or statements from members of the public that have registered to speak. 




7.   Recommendations and updates from other committees

(Pages 19 - 20)


To consider the attached paper, being the recommendations and updates from other committees to Cabinet. 




8.   Hackney Carriage Fares

(Pages 21 - 60)


To consider the head of legal and democratic’s report. 


To report on the results of a recent consultation in order that the Cabinet can set maximum fares for journeys carried out by Vale of White Horse licensed hackney carriages within the Vale of White Horse district.




a)         To consider the results of the consultation at Appendix D


b)         To adopt the proposed maximum hackney carriage fares at Appendix G with effect from 20 April 2024


c)         Subject to (b) above, agree that the tariff is reviewed annually using the Guildford model




9.   S106 Request - Milton (Abingdon) Community and Sports Limited (MCSL) - New Community Hall with Sporting Facilities, Potash Lane, Milton

(Wards Affected: Hendreds)


(Pages 61 - 69)


To consider the head of finance’s report. 


To inform cabinet that we have received an application for funds, from MCSL, for a total sum of £876,572.22. This will be spent towards a new community hall with sporting facilities in Milton Parish. The sum is to be taken from six contributions secured under S106, from legal agreements linked to four developments.




That Cabinet recommends to Council;


to create a budget for £876,572.22 towards a new community hall with sporting facilities, at Potash Lane in Milton Parish, from the accumulated section 106 contributions set out in this report;


Subject to Council creating the above budget:


to authorise the Head of Finance, in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic to:


•           agree and enter into a funding agreement with MCSL regarding the terms of use of the S106 funding; the instalments in which the funding is paid; the timing of instalments; the conditions subject to which instalments are paid and to otherwise protect the interests of Vale of White Horse District Council as the provider of the funding by undertaking legal and financial due diligence including being satisfied that the funding is lawful and compliant with subsidy control provisions


•           approve the payment to MCSL of up to £876,572.22 towards a new community hall with sporting facilities, at Potash Lane in Milton Parish, subject to and in accordance with the funding agreement.







10.       Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan Update and Next Steps

(Wards Affected: Blewbury and Harwell; Hendreds; Sutton Courtenay)


(Pages 70 - 208)


To consider the head of policy and programmes’ report. 


To update Cabinet members on progress against the approved Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan attached as appendix 1. To seek approval of the proposed Didcot Wayfinding Strategy, attached at appendix 2. To seek approval of the proposed Didcot Green Infrastructure Strategy, attached at appendix 3.




1.         That Cabinet notes progress against the approved Didcot Garden Town Delivery Plan attached at appendix 1.


2.         That Cabinet approve the Didcot Wayfinding Strategy attached at appendix 2.


3.         That Cabinet approve the Didcot Green Infrastructure Strategy attached at appendix 3.




11.       Joint South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse Waste and Street Cleansing Vehicle Procurement Strategy

(Pages 209 - 225)


To consider the head of housing and environment’s report. 


To inform cabinet members of the current issues facing the councils in modernising and sustaining the waste and street cleansing operational fleet, and to outline the process that officers will use for the future procurement of new waste collection and street cleansing vehicles.  The process is designed to ensure that vital waste collection and street cleansing services continue by providing suitable vehicles at the right time, in a way that the council can afford, whilst aiming to reduce the carbon footprint of the service where this can be realistically achieved by the technologies available and is within the capacity of the waste depot to support.




That Cabinet note the contents of the report on why the council needs to be procuring new waste vehicles, and the factors which influence the future carbon footprint of the fleet and the process that officers will use for the future procurement of waste and street cleansing vehicles.




12.       Housing Delivery Strategy Update and Action Plan 2024/25

(Pages 226 - 254)


To consider the head of housing and environment’s report. 


To provide an update on the progress of the housing delivery strategy and its associated actions for 2022/23 and 2023/24. To propose a new action plan for 2024/25 to continue the ongoing work to increase affordable and suitable housing.




a)         That Cabinet notes the changes in the national housing guidelines (or legislation) since the housing delivery strategy, and action plan, was adopted in 2022 and the associated impact that this has on the housing delivery strategy.


(b)        That Cabinet notes the latest progress against the action plan, as well as the significant efforts made in the leasing and purchasing of property under the SFA and LAHF schemes.


(c)        That Cabinet adopts the proposed new housing delivery strategy action plan for 2024/25.




13.       Housing Enforcement Policy

(Pages 255 - 305)


To consider the head of housing and environment’s report. 


The purpose of the report is to seek approval from Cabinet to adopt the Housing Enforcement Policy




(a)        Approve the adoption of the Housing Enforcement Policy.


(b)        Subject to approval of the policy, to delegate authority to the Head of Housing and Environment to make minor amendments to the policy in the future.




14.       Budget Monitoring April 2023 - December 2023

(Pages 306 - 312)


To consider the head of finance’s report. 


To report the revenue and capital expenditure against budget for the period April 2023 to December 2023 and the latest year end outturns forecast by heads of service.




Cabinet is recommended to note the contents of the report.

